Thursday, March 10, 2011

Got Limes?

Are we trying to scare away scurvy? Not exactly...the little bean is no longer a bean! It's now the size of a lime!! Though I think it's safe to say that we will not be refering to the baby as our little "lime".

What's going on this week you ask.  Well, not a whole lot.  I'm still pretty sick.  On the bright side it usually doesn't last ALL day, just most of it.  If I'm sick in the morning I usually get the afternoon off and vice versa. Another high side, which Charlotte had to remind me to add, is that the progesterone shots in the rear, we can happily tell you are a thing of  the past!! YIPPEE!!!

We have our next appointment with our Maternal/Fetal Medicine doctor next week.  This doctor is often refered to as the "high risk" OB.  Hopefully, God willing, we will only have one meeting with this doctor so he can rule us out as being a high risk pregnancy.  The only reason I would qualify for this category is that at the time of delivery, I will be the ripe old age of 35! AS IF!! Don't they realize women are waiting longer to have kids and still do it like a CHAMP!  ANYWAY...I digress.  We will keep you updated with the goings on of our next appointment.  Love and miss you all and hope the week finds you well.


  1. Your updates are wonderful! Love to all 3 of you!

  2. love limes, go well with rum. lol

  3. I agree, am enjoying the updates, I feel as if we are there with you! love you guys so much and cannot wait to meet my little niece/nephew!!!

  4. As a woman who had her twins at (gasp) 34, gestational diabetes and a very large frame, even if they decide to label yours as a high risk pregancy, everything will be ok. You are surrounded by love and support and the universe no doubt has a special little bundle of love for you to carry into the world with grace and light. Prayers of peace, comfort and lack-o- nausea for the 3 of you. :-)
