Thursday, January 20, 2011

And so the story begins...

with a blood test, an eighteen month wait, and a phone call that will change the rest of our lives.  Charlotte and I learned today that we will be parents!  WOW!! Mommies...after all the doctor apptiontments, surgeries, shots, sonograms, and negative pee on sticks, we found out, this one worked.  Our reactions, um....speechless, tears, laughing and a whole lot of Charlotte's "told ya so's".  You see, as I was depressed, feeling that the results of this round would be just like the others, Charlotte knew it was different.  She was able to keep the hopes alive with a whole lot of TLC and little pats to the belly telling the little babies to "hang in there".  The phone calls went out and joy was shared by all.  We shared all the tears, all the laughter and all the thanks for crossed fingers, crossed toes, prayers to God and shout outs to kokopelli and whatever it was that everyone did to support us in this journey.  So...the next step will be another blood test to ensure the "baby hormone" aka beta, is rising appropriatly. 


  1. Congratulations. I am so excited for you guys!! Just terrific. I have added your blog link to my blog and will follow it often. Truly can't believe I haven't seen you in years. Thanks for sharing the news with us.
    Kat, Alan, Madison & Austin

  2. Thank you for taking the time to share this amazing new journey of your life with us, your family and friends! We love you both so much!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! Yes, I got it, ya big dork. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wow ! What a phone call ! : ) Thank you both for the invitation to follow your journey. I would love to. Congradulations and Prayers for both of you and the little one or ones.

  5. Thanks everyone! It's been a long time coming
